Open For Walk-Ins Starting 10/3

Recently the Monmouth County SPCA, along with many other shelters in our region, has been experiencing an increase of cats and kittens testing positive for feline panleukopenia or FPV. Our veterinary team has identified that this extremely contagious (and potentially fatal) virus is spreading due to outdoor strays. To stop the spread of the virus, we have implemented comprehensive cleaning protocols in addition to limiting feline surrender intake and temporarily suspending TNR operations.

Kessler Cat

If you have adopted recently from us or another NJ shelter, or if you have indoor/outdoor cats, please be aware of the signs and symptoms of FPV which include diarrhea, vomiting and lethargy. If your cats are experiencing FPV symptoms, please call your veterinarian or our Vogel Veterinary Care Center right away for proper advisement. If you have any other questions regarding this matter, please email [email protected]

If you recently adopted a kitten from the MCSPCA that has not completed its full series of FVRCP vaccines (usually finished at 16 weeks of age), please monitor closely for vomiting and diarrhea. Call us or your regular veterinarian or our Vogel Veterinary Care Center at 732-542-3125 right away if you notice these.


  • FPV is a highly infectious viral disease. Signs include diarrhea (sometimes bloody), vomiting, lethargy and fever, and death. It can range from mild diarrhea to fatal disease.
  • Diarrhea in an otherwise bright, alert, eating, drinking kitten is more likely due to diet change, stress, parasites, or dietary indiscretion.
  • Because it is so contagious, cats that were potentially exposed to FPV should be quarantined in an easily cleaned area for 14 days to make sure they are not going to come down with it.
  • If a high risk exposed cat is in a household with other kittens or unvaccinated adults, it should be kept strictly separate or brought back to the shelter for the 14 day quarantine period.
  • FPV is part of the vaccine series (FVRCP) recommended for all cats and provides excellent protection. Adult cats that are current on their vaccinations are at minimal risk for this illness.
  • FPV positive cats pose minimal risk to dogs in the same environment or home, and the virus cannot be transmitted to humans. 

If you have any questions or concerns please email our VVCC at [email protected] or call 732-542-3125.

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