Open Daily For Walk-Ins

Please DO NOT submit this form unless it was sent to you directly by a Monmouth County SPCA employee. Unapproved forms will not be reviewed. Please email [email protected] for more information about our surrender process.

Canine Surrender Form


Have you attempted to return your dog to where you got it from?

Have you contacted any rescue groups to try to re-home your dog?

Is your dog housetrained?

Have you addressed this with a vet or trainer?

Is your dog crate trained?

Is your dog allowed on furniture?

Is your dog allowed in the kitchen when food is being prepared?

If “yes”, does your dog beg or “counter surf”?

Will your dog allow handling by children under the age of 6?

Has your dog ever bitten or snapped at a child?

Has your dog been to the veterinarian?

Does your dog need to wear a muzzle at the vet?

Has your dog ever been to the groomer?

With adult family members, has your dog ever:

With child family members, has your dog ever:

With strangers at the door, has your dog ever:

With visiting adults, has your dog ever:

With visiting children, has your dog ever:

With the vet or groomer, has your dog ever:

With people around your dog's food or toys, has your dog ever:

With people around your dog's crate or bed, has your dog ever:

Has your dog ever bitten a person?

Has your dog ever bitten another animal?

I affirm and certify that all the information and answers to questions herein are complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any misrepresentation, falsification, or omission of any facts called for in this application may render me civilly liable.

10 + 15 =

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